Edit model card


Athnete model. Use Alpaca format. Suitable for RP, ERP and general stuff.

Despite the awful banner i made, this model could actually be better than raw Athena v3.


This repo contains fp16 files of Athnete.

fp16 - by IkariDev

GGUF - by IkariDev


Note: I have permission of all users to upload their ratings, i DONT screenshot random reviews without asking if i can put them here!

Models and loras used

  • IkariDev/Athena-v3
  • Undi95/Nete-13B

Prompt template: Alpaca

Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request.

### Instruction:

### Response:

HUGE thanks to Undi95 for doing the merging (Recipe was my idea, he merged)

Downloads last month
Model size
13B params
Tensor type