Daniel van Strien PRO


AI & ML interests

Machine Learning Librarian



Posts 14

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In my ongoing quest to learn more about building synthetic datasets, I've created an "Awesome Synthetic Datasets" list.

The aim is to lightly curate a collection of resources, tutorials, and tools for generating synthetic datasets using large language models.

I plan to add some "key techniques" to the repo, but for now, it focuses on important datasets, papers, and tools.

🔗 https://github.com/davanstrien/awesome-synthetic-datasets
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Introducing CosmoChat, a multiturn chat dataset based on Cosmopedia that I'm working on in the open on the Hub.

🎯 Goals:
💬 Create multi-turn chats seeded from Cosmopedia
🎓 Customize questions for different audience levels
🔍 Evaluate the model's ability to elaborate and clarify
🤓 (I want to learn more about creating valuable synthetic datasets, and I learn best by doing stuff rather than reading stuff).

Cosmochat is created using the excellent distilabel library.

🔗 Explore the current version of the dataset: davanstrien/cosmochat
📝 Read more: https://huggingface.co/blog/davanstrien/cosmochat